Pass grid values as query strings when click on hyperlink COlumn in the grid - ASP.Net , ASPXGridView , Java Script
This show how to pass wuery strings to a another page by using javascript in Asp.Net.
Also this pass the ASPXGridView data column cell values as the query string values...
Imagine you have a custom button( Ex:- link button) on the aspx web page. Then go to
CustomButtonClick event in the client side...below is the code
<ClientSideEvents CustomButtonClick="function(s, e) {
if (e.buttonID == 'Rental')
s.GetRowValues(e.visibleIndex, 'COLUMN_NAME1;COLUMN_NAME2', function(v){'NEXT_PAGE.aspx?QUERY_STRING1='+v[0]+'&QUERY_STRING2='+v[1], 'popup','width=900,height=700,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=50,top=0'); });
}" />
This act as a pop to a another page named "NEXT_PAGE.aspx" Also Query strings are QUERY_STRING1 & QUERY_STRING2. And the Aspxgridview column names are
So you can handle your code in the NEXT_PAGE.aspx with the query string values.
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