Macro / visual basic / Excel
Macro is a set of commands and functions that are stored in a Microsoft Visual Basic and which is
used in Microsoft Excel. Following examples shows some syntax in VB Macro. Hope fully you are
good in programming. Because I have not explained the code line by line. But if you know you
a programming code flows then it is nothing to understand. Good luck.
Ex 01:-
Below Methos shows how to split a Excel cel paragraph by a certain word "Buyers Note"
Sub BuyersNote()
x = Range("C3").Value
sText = Split(Range("C3").Value, "Note")
Range("D3").Value = sText(1)
End Sub
Ex 02 : -
Second example shows the sentence starting with a set of words "Manufactures Life Time"
is to be separated into a new column.
Sub ManufacturesLifeTime()
Times = -1
sText = Split(Range("C4").Value)
For i = 0 To UBound(sText)
If sText(i) = "Time" Then
If sText(i - 1) = "Life" Then
If sText(i - 2) = "Manufactures" Then
Times = 1
End If
End If
End If
If Times = 1 Then
sTexts = Split(Range("C4").Value, "Manufactures")
Range("D4").Value = "Manufactures" + " " + sTexts(1)
End If
Next i
End Sub
Ex 03 : - Third one shows that The text that starts with a word "Comprising" and
finish with the start of one of the above strings ("Buyers Note" OR " Manufactures Life Time ") to go into a new column
Sub Comprision()
Comprising = -1
Manufactures = -1
Buyer = -1
sentence = ""
sText = Split(Range("C5").Value)
For i = 0 To UBound(sText)
If sText(i) = "Comprising" Then
Comprising = i
End If
If sText(i) = "Time" Then
If sText(i - 1) = "Life" Then
If sText(i - 2) = "Manufactures" Then
Manufactures = i
End If
End If
End If
Next i
sTexts = Split(Range("C5").Value)
If Comprising > -1 Then
If Manufactures > -1 Then
For j = Comprising To UBound(sTexts)
If j <= Manufactures Then
sentence = sentence + " " + sTexts(j)
End If
Next j
End If
End If
''''''' End of checking the sentenct end with 'Manufactures Life Time' Either go to below for end of
'' buyer
sText = Split(Range("C5").Value)
For i = 0 To UBound(sText)
If Manufactures = -1 Then
If sText(i) = "Note" Then
Buyer = i
End If
End If
Next i
sTexts = Split(Range("C5").Value)
If Comprising > -1 Then
If Buyer > -1 Then
For j = Comprising To UBound(sTexts)
If j <= Buyer Then
sentence = sentence + " " + sTexts(j)
End If
Next j
End If
End If
'' end of buyer
Range("D5").Value = sentence
End Sub
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